Seasons For Growth  

Secondary School PCWs - Seasons for Life Initiative

Please carefully read the following information about the course content and all requirements. If you meet the course prerequisites and want to take the course, please contact the coordinator using the provided link at the end of this page.

Funded by the Department of Health as part of the Seasons for Life initiative. This is an opportunity for those who work with children in Secondary Schools to participate in a fully funded training. 

Course Description

Seasons for Growth is a small group education program that supports children and young people to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to understand and respond well to experiences of change, loss and grief.

Course Overview

PCWs will be trained as “Companions” to deliver the Seasons for Growth group program within their school which includes eight formal sessions; one celebration session; and one optional reconnector session.

The group program is for small groups of 4-7 children and young people aged 6 -18 years. The like-to-like peer learning process creates a safe space for children and young people to practice new ways of thinking and responding to the change and loss that has occurred in their lives.


2 days

10 hours  

Comprehensive Exploration

  • 2 Topics

Topic 1

Engaging with the evidence and theoretical foundations underpinning the program

Topic 2

Exploring the program content via an ‘inside out’ approach that immerses Companions in the key learning outcomes and activities 

MacKillop Seasons

Key Learning Outcomes 

Acknowledge their experiences and recognise they are ‘not the only one’ 

Understand that their feelings and other behavioural reactions are normal 

Develop skills for coping, positive choices, goal-setting and decision making 

Build a peer support network and a felt sense of belonging and connection 

Help restore self-confidence, self-esteem and self-respect 

Training enrolment requirements

This National funding is for high school communities (or secondary grades of combined schools) to access Seasons for Growth funded for 2 years until June 2025 under the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Support Program by the Department of Health and Aged Care. 

As a PCW you are in the best position to present a wonderful opportunity to your Wellbeing Leader or Principle.

This initiative will allow you and a school team member to complete the Seasons for Growth Training at no cost.

Once you are trained you will be qualified to deliver the program within your school.


Seasons for Life allows schools at NO COST to:  

  • Train nominated staff (2x per school) to deliver the Seasons for Growth program (level 4) for young people, including program manuals and student journals .
  • Train nominated staff to deliver the accompanying parent session, including a session for First Nations parents/careers .
  • Access support to implement the Seasons for Growth program, including a Community of Practice, step –by-step school guide, and coaching from a Seasons for Life Coordinator. 
  • Access an all-staff professional learning session about change, loss and grief and responding to the needs of young people, including following a suicide related loss. 

If you have already completed the training and it’s been over 2 years, it is recommended you complete it again as a refresher.  

Important Information to note:

  • Leadership support is required for a school to take on Seasons for Life which is a simple endorsement from School Principal or Head of Wellbeing noting that the school is willing to participate in the Seasons for Life offerings that suit the school.
  • We are evaluating this initiative over the next two years so your school may be asked to participate so we can capture the amazing work of this initiative.
  • There is also a consultation process that is involved where we meet with school staff interested to discuss the needs of the schools and how you feel this initiative fits with your capacity and wellbeing priorities.
  • Schools also do not need to take on every offering available, some schools choose to start with training staff in Seasons for Growth, others have booked in the staff learning session as a starting point. We work with the needs and wishes of the school; the offerings are flexible and tailored to your wellbeing priorities.

To take part in this initiative

  • Share this initiative with your school wellbeing team and leadership for endorsement. It would be a great idea to discuss who may be best suited to complete and implement the program.
  • Contact your State Coordinator to organise an initial consultation.

SA State Coordinator - Heidi Yelland 

  • Once a consultation occurs and the school is on board your state coordinator will assist in next steps ie signing up for training, organising a PL time.

Meet the instructor

MacKillop Seasons

In 1996, with the support of the Sisters of St Joseph, Professor Anne Graham AO researched and developed the first edition of the Seasons for Growth Children and Young People’s program. Soon after, the organisation, Good Grief was established to train professionals to deliver the change, loss and grief education program in communities across Australia. During this time, partnerships were developed with international organisations to deliver the programs in Scotland, England, Wales, New Zealand and Ireland.

In 2017, Good Grief transitioned into MacKillop Family Services, a national community service organisation. Still a part of MacKillop Family Services today, the Seasons for Growth programs and services are now delivered under MacKillop Seasons.