Seasons For Growth

Port Augusta 21-May-2024 and 22-May-2024 

Primary School PCWs (Expression of Interest)

Course Description

This training will take place in Port Augusta and it is recommended for PCWs from or near by Port Augusta, Port Pirie, and Whyalla areas.

Make your expression of interest as soon as possible so that we can evaluate your application. We will contact the successful applicants.

Additionally, you need to fill the Endorsement Form and upload it as an activity in this course called Upload filled Endorsement Form.

Seasons for Growth is a small group education program that supports children and young people to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to understand and respond well to experiences of change, loss and grief.

Course Overview

PCWs will be trained as “Companions” to deliver the Seasons for Growth group program within their school which includes eight formal sessions; one celebration session; and one optional reconnector session.

The group program is for small groups of 4-7 children and young people aged 6 -18 years. The like-to-like peer learning process creates a safe space for children and young people to practice new ways of thinking and responding to the change and loss that has occurred in their lives. 


2 days

12 hours  

Comprehensive Exploration

  • 2 Topics

Topic 1

Engaging with the evidence and theoretical foundations underpinning the program

Topic 2

Exploring the program content via an ‘inside out’ approach that immerses Companions in the key learning outcomes and activities 

MacKillop Seasons

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This course is funded by Preventive Health SA

Key Learning Outcomes 

Acknowledge their experiences and recognise they are ‘not the only one’ 

Understand that their feelings and other behavioural reactions are normal 

Develop skills for coping, positive choices, goal-setting and decision making 

Build a peer support network and a felt sense of belonging and connection 

Help restore self-confidence, self-esteem and self-respect 

Training enrolment requirements

Once all requirements are completed SMG will be contact when an there is an available space and provide dates of training.

At this stage there is limited spaces for this training opportunity, if you are interested, please complete requirements quickly to avoid disappointment. 

Requirement # 1

PCWs working within Primary Schools

Requirement # 2

Are willing and able to deliver group programs

Requirement # 3

Must be endorsed by the school Principal or their nominated representative from the timepoint of enrolling to attend training, following on to delivering the program/s on behalf of, or in partnership with your school

Requirement # 4

Staff Member Endorsement form is signed and returned prior to being offered a place

Meet the instructor

MacKillop Seasons

In 1996, with the support of the Sisters of St Joseph, Professor Anne Graham AO researched and developed the first edition of the Seasons for Growth Children and Young People’s program. Soon after, the organisation, Good Grief was established to train professionals to deliver the change, loss and grief education program in communities across Australia. During this time, partnerships were developed with international organisations to deliver the programs in Scotland, England, Wales, New Zealand and Ireland.

In 2017, Good Grief transitioned into MacKillop Family Services, a national community service organisation. Still a part of MacKillop Family Services today, the Seasons for Growth programs and services are now delivered under MacKillop Seasons.

Course's Supporter

Preventive Health SA
This course is funded by Preventive Health SA!

Preventive Health SA is leading a dedicated program of prevention work to support the health and wellbeing of all South Australians.

Through the delivery and implementation of evidence based policy and programs, we’re working to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequities for South Australian communities.

Preventive Health SA will focus on the following priority areas of prevention:

  • obesity
  • tobacco control
  • vaping
  • alcohol and other drugs
  • mental health and wellbeing
  • suicide prevention
  • the determinants of health

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