Helping boys find role models

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Key topics
Role models, influence, masculinity, leadership, mental health, relationships
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No matter if you’re a teacher, parent, or you work with young people, you know the importance of positive influences in the development stages of boys and teenage guys.

This free resource will help young people understand the power of influence and the WHAT, WHO and WHERE of role models. Providing adolescent boys with the example of what it means to be a healthy, positive man.

What's included?

  • Video content 
  • Teacher lesson plan (PDF)
  • Class activities

Targeted age group

Middle to senior school - 11-18 yrs.

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Why not opt for unlimited access? By purchasing the complete subscription you get unlimited access to the complete suite of lessons available, that includes For or Against, Blueprint to Becoming a Man, Becoming Women, Kimochis lessons, and more! 
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Balance the Big Years
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Built for change
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