Protective Practices (Self paced - Online)

(compulsory online course)

Course Description

This training covers the basics of protective practices, including professional boundaries, and why we need them. Following the Protective Practices guidelines are part of how we safeguard the emotional and physical wellbeing of children and young people.  

 Please, don't forget!

After completing the course, please send the certificate to in order to maintain compliance!

Course Register Instructions

On the Plink website, use the same email address you previously used to access RRHAN-EC Fundamentals course. If you don’t have an account, create one first. Then, navigate to the homepage, scroll down to the "Other Courses" section, and locate "Protective Practices." On the next screen, click the Register button to enrol.

Other Courses page screenshot (after login)

Register button page screenshot


1.5 Hours

Comprehensive Exploration

  • 3 Topics
  • 1.5 Hours

Topic 1

Refresh your understanding of appropriate professional boundaries in your role - the bigger picture

Topic 2

Increase your understanding of how to keep yourself and children and young people safe

Topic 3

Explore professional boundaries in specific work roles.

Government of South Australia
Department for Education